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Free download cisco packet tracer 6.3 for windows with tutorial version

Today I'm going to share with you the cisco packet tracer 6.3 version. The cisco packet tracer is a network simulation tool, through which you can able to design the network virtually and after that you can be able to the design of a network and can able to design the network practically.
The cisco packet tracer released on January 22, 2016. The Netacad users can download this cisco packet tracer 6.3, using their Netacad account. If you don't have netacad account then don't be upset. For your better and easy download I've uploaded the cisco packet tracer 6.3 to google drive.
Some changes in the new cisco packet tracer are found. After opening it, you may need to use the guest login option, if you don't have Netacad account. You'll get almost all the facilities through this Guest account. Also the activity wizard is back.

So lets download this cisco packet tracer 6.3
Size: 147MB
Download Link: Free download cisco packet tracer 6.3 for windows with tutorial version

Free download cisco packet tracer 6.3 for windows with tutorial version

Free download cisco packet tracer 6.3 for windows with tutorial version
  • Title : Free download cisco packet tracer 6.3 for windows with tutorial version
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  • Date : 22:12:00
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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks to you too, keep visiting and sharing knowledge

  2. Many many thanks to you too, keep visiting and sharing. :)

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this tool.

    1. Also thanks to you, for visiting here. Keep visiting :)

  4. thanks you so much for the sharing!

  5. thank you so much friend

  6. I've got a problem while downloading .

    1. What type of problem?? I've checked. I didn't find any problem. Please try to download it again. Hope that it will work.

      Thanks for visiting here. Hope that you'll visit here again. :)

  7. Thanks heaps! Just downloaded!!

  8. there is no file ....when i hv clicked to link ..its taking me in my google drive..ppls help

    1. Dear yogi anna, I've checked the link, and it is working. Please try again. Thanks for visiting.

  9. does all commands work in it? like interface range command?

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